How times have changed; it's sad to see that so many of the people I used to like to follow have closed down their blogs. I know I can't talk as it's over 3 years since I last posted! What prompted this update - Emily sent me a screen shot of one of my old posts last night, which surprised me but when I asked her she says she goes on from time to time to look back at the old posts. This prompted me to come on today and it was sad to see the blog community no longer there, just a couple of those I followed still posting.
I thought I would post an update to keep the blog going, for our family to look back on if nothing else.
We celebrated the marriage of Emily and Jack in an intimate, immediate family only, wedding. It was quite a chilly day but bright and dry. Emily was calm and serene as she prepared to get married, and we arrived at the Registry Office with a little time to spare. We had driven down in convoy, Claire, Alice and Megan in front, followed by Emily and myself, with Hugh bringing up the rear. It hadn't been planned but just worked out that way, which felt quite special. There were no attendants, just Jack and Emily, and Harry as the ring bearer. The service was beautiful and emotional and just perfect for them. It was such a lovely day and we couldn't be happier for them.
My neighbour's cat had three kittens and I agreed to become a cat mum again.
I love black cats and although there wasn't a black cat there was a black cat with white markings.
And so Walter (Wally) joined the family.
However, in June I was offered a flat in Lindfield and so began the packing and decorating and carpet laying and everything else that happens when you move house, and all after I'd only had Wally for a couple of weeks. I spent a lot of evenings after work painting the flat and getting it ready for us to move in and the timing of getting a kitten couldn't have been worse. I felt so bad for leaving him at home so soon after getting him but he also didn't / doesn't like the car.
I eventually moved in to the flat on 05 July and started to create my new little home. I won't lie, there have been issues with Wally's behaviour but we are now in a much better place and he seems to have settled into flat life.
Lindfield is where Norma has lived for the past 10+ years and is a lovely, pretty village. The flat is a short walk from Norma's house and less than 5 minutes to the shops. It has a Common where various events take place and where it's nice to go for a walk. During the summer you see families meeting up in the evenings, dog walkers playing with their dogs and mothers taking little ones for a walk, to the park or to teach them to ride their bikes. Everyone is friendly and I find myself chatting to strangers when out on my walk. I feel happy to be living here and look forward to seeing more.
Not long after I moved, we found out that Mum's landlords were selling the house she'd lived in for 28 years. At 93, a move had not been something Mum anticipated. It was a stressful time but we were so lucky to get her into an assisted living complex where she has carers coming in 3 times a day to check on her and help her with anything she needs. It's taken a little getting used to but I think she's finally feeling a little more settled. When Norma and I saw her yesterday, she was telling us about all the events coming up over the Christmas period and agreed that she would go down for some of them.
My brother Robin arrived in September from South Africa. It had been 8 years since we last saw him for Dad's funeral so there's been catching up to do. He stayed with me for a couple of weeks before going to stay with friends. Fortunately they don't stay too far away and he's able to come back for weekends when he wants to.
September also brought exciting news when Emily and Jack told us they were expecting a baby in May 2025.
We're so excited to meet this little one - it's been a long time since we had a baby in the family as Alice is now 14 and Megan will soon be 12. Baby turned their back during the scan and had an arm to their face but it's so sweet to see these first photos. We're now looking forward to the 20 week scan and hopefully finding out the gender.
The Autumn colours started in October and have been beautiful. There is a big old oak tree outside my lounge window and Wally and I watch the squirrels running up and down it and playing in the garden. They've been busy collecting and burying acorns and often chase each other along the fence. One thing that I wasn't expecting was the noise the squirrels make. I could hear what I thought was a bird one day, but when I looked out the window it was a squirrel making the noise.
Claire and the girls came down for the Bonfire parade and fireworks on 05 November. Norma's always spoken about them but we haven't been to them before. They really do go all out and we got into the village for the start of the procession and then walked over to meet Norma and her family to see the procession go on to the Common before the bonfire was lit and the fireworks started. Norma's house is close to the Common and we were able to sit outside and watch the fireworks. Unfortunately I took more video that photos so don't have much to show here.
We had our first cold temperatures and frost (that I've seen) at the beginning of this week and Storm Bert has hit this weekend, with high winds but slightly warmer temperatures. The leaves have been falling like rain and the trees are starting to look bare. Walking in the fallen leaves when they rustle as you walk is one of my favourite things and this morning the pavement was covered!
I think that about brings us up to date. If anyone out there is still reading blogs / writing blogs, it would be lovely to hear from you.
Hope to see you again soon. xx |